“You have to have learned a lot
to be able to ask
about what you don’t know.”
[Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1712 to 1778]
Company References:
- The Coaching Mandates are of course treated with absolute confidentiality and are therefore not listed here in detail.
- Organizational consulting and development of PMO for the umbrella brand “DC-Netzausbau” of INP Infrastructure GmbH and INP Deutschland GmbH. Since 01/2025.
- Project management services (accounting auditing and document management as part of the BOL) for TenneT in the SuedOstLink project as a subcontractor of INP Infrastructure GmbH.
Since 01/2023.
- Project Management Services for Stadtwerke Düsseldorf for the renewal of the framework agreements of Netzgesellschaft Düsseldorf in cooperation with Utility Partners GmbH.
03/2023 to 12/2023.
- Project Management Services in connection with the “Multifokusturm” in Jülich for the Institute of Solar Research of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
03/2023 to 08/2023.
- Project Management Services and Scheduling for the construction of converters stations of Amprion for the projects Korridor B and A-Nord as a subcontractor of INP Infrastructure GmbH.
03/2023 to 12/2023.
- Project Management Services as part of the construction site preparations for the construction of a new Amprion substation in Lingen for the two projects DolWin4 and BorWin4 as a subcontractor of INP Infrastructure GmbH.
06/2022 to 03/2023.
- Project Management Services (scheduling) for the manufacture and laying of HVDC cables for the A-North line project by Sumitomo Electric Industries. The approximately 300 km long connection is to transmit around 2,000 MW of electrical power in the future – corresponding to the needs of around 2 million people. The client is Amprion GmbH based in Dortmund. We act as a subcontractor of INP Deutschland GmbH.
Since 06/2022.
- Project Management Services in connection with the planning and construction of a new institute building for the Institut of Future Fuels of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
Since 02/2022.
- Project Management and Consulting Services for the TransHyDE lead project of the BMBF for the development and demonstration of hydrogen transport technologies – Helgoland implementation project of the Helgoland utility (as a subcontractor of INP Deutschland GmbH). The project is part of the broad-based AquaVentus initiative, in which all hydrogen activities around Helgoland’s southern port are bundled under the name AquaPortus.
10/2021 to 06/2022.
- Project Management Services for the “Westerwald Lake District renovation measures” of the NABU Foundation “National Natural Heritage” (as a subcontractor of CDM Smith Consult GmbH). In cooperation with the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the NABU Foundation will in future develop this 228-hectare lake landscape with a total of 7 bodies of water in terms of hydraulic engineering and nature conservation in such a way that it will be preserved as a valuable habitat for the animal and plant species living there.
04/2021 to 12/2024.
- Project Management Services and Team Lead for SuedLink, a project of TenneT and TransnetBW (as a subcontractor of INP Deutschland GmbH). The project is an approximately 700 km long, high-performance high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission line in underground construction and is currently the largest infrastructure project in Europe.
11/2020 to 12/2024.
- Project Management Services related to land acquisition and the planning and construction of buildings for the Institute for the Protection of Terrestrial Infrastructures and the Institute of AI Safety and Security of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) at a new location in Sankt Augustin.
04/2020 to 07/2023.
- Consulting Services (building requirements scope) for Brainergy Park Jülich GmbH.
- Consulting Services regarding a potential future project organsiation within a FIDIC-framework for TenneT Offshore GmbH.
09/2020 to 12/2020.
- Creation of a framework schedule and organizational chart for construction measures in the district development “Südliche Speicherstrasse am Stadthafen” of the City of Dortmund (as subcontractor of Fichtner Water & Transportation GmbH).
05/2020 to 06/2020.
- Consulting Services for Cuza Consulting.
03/2020 to 04/2020.
- Project Management Services related to the construction of a physical test platform of the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
01/2020 to 04/2020.
Personal References (Owner):
- Head of Team Project Management for the Network Connection Systems for Offshore Wind Farms for the client TenneT, Germany performed by Drees & Sommer. Network connection of wind farms in the North Sea to the onshore power transmission / power distribution network with erection of offshore transformer platforms, laying of submarine and underground cables and erection of onshore transformer stations. General project management / project control with deadline control, risk management, controlling, document management and claim management).
2013 to 2019.
- Project Management Consulting and Project Analysis for two new network connection systems (DolWin4 and BorWin4) from Amprion as part of a Drees & Sommer assignment.
2018 to 2019.
- Project Management “Motorway BAB A1 Upgrading from the Cologne-Niehl Junction to the AK Leverkusen-West Junction, including the Rhine Bridge Leverkusen”, Germany. The projects covers the upgrading of the motorway A1 to eight lanes and the new construction of the bridge over the river Rhine at Leverkusen, the demolition of the old bridge and the reconstruction of the Cologne-Niehl and Leverkusen-West junctions. The services performed by Drees & Sommer for the client Straßen.NRW include, inter alia, time scheduling, risk management, cost controlling, organization, documentation, coordination, web based data platform.
2017 to 2018.
- Project Analysis “Modernization and Extension of the Dieselstrasse Power Plant in Halle”, Germany performed by Drees & Sommer for the client Energieversorgung Halle (EVH) GmbH who planned to modernize and extend their heating power plant at the road Dieselstrasse.
- Project Management for the “Tower Structure Multifokusturm” of DLR Institute for Solar Research in Jülich, Germany performed by Drees & Sommer. To satisfy the increased need for test opportunities for solar high-temperature technologies, the solar tower structure in Jülich shall be upgraded to a worldwide leading centre for experiments under high-performance solar radiation. A new, about 60 m high tower structures is being erected to support solar-thermal test facilities.
2016 to 2017.
- Project Management for the Maasvlakte Power Plant 3 of E.ON at the Maasvlakte in Rotterdam (NL) performed by ARCADIS. Planning of the infrastructure (traffic areas, rainwater drainage, waste water, extinguishing water and potabel water) for a hard-coal fired power plant of 1.100 MW capacity in a German-Dutch project team.
2011 to 2013.
- Project Management for Master Plans for the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) performed by ARCADIS. Elaboration of a feasibility study concerning port and terminal concepts for different variants of use (container, breakbulk cargo, liquids) in a German-Dutch project team.
2011 to 2013.
- Offshore Wind Farm RIFFGAT. Scouring prognosis, protective measures against scouring, annual monitoring of sediment relaocations in a German-Dutch project team of ARCADIS for the OWP RIFFGAT GmbH & Co.KG.
2010 to 2013.
- Relocation of the Hambach Railway Line of the RWE Power AG, Germany. Geotechnical consultancy services and supervision of earthworks performed by ARCADIS for a railway line built in up to 15m depth.
2010 to 2013.
- Relocation of the River Glanerbeek for the client Waterschap Regge & Dinkel, The Netherlands. Project Management of riverbed and biotope plans in the German-Dutch border region performed by ARCADIS. Elaboration of planning and tender documents and supervision of construction works.
- General Motors Automobile Factory Szentgotthard, Hungary. Compilation of the tender documents for the extension of the automobile factory performed by ARCADIS.
- Conversion of Coolant Filling Facilities in General Motors Automobile Factories, Poland and Germany. Project Management for the planning by ARCADIS.
- Riverbed Stabilization of the River Rhine in Spijk, Germany/Netherlands. Elaboration of the HSE plan and the site regulations according to German and Dutch directives by ARCADIS, general consultancy services for the German client (Wasserstraßen- und Schifffahrtsverwaltung des Bundes) concerning the project implementation in the Netherlands.
2009 to 2013.
- Wind Farm of RWE Innogy in Constanta, Romania. Foundation design for 112 wind power plants including infrastructure performed by ARCADIS.
2009 to 2010.
- Troisdorf Waste Deposit, Germany. Elaboration of a soil report, planning and evaluation of subsoil investigations and laboratory tests in connection with the planning for a new entrance area performed by IHS.
- Test Shaft at the Diepenlinchen Mining Pit, Germany. Planning, tendering, proposal for contract award, supervision of construction, review of invoicing and final report for a building pit with shotcrete lining to secure an old mining shaft by placing a reinforced concrete slab on the stable rock surface performed by IHS for the Mining Authorities of NRW in Arnsberg.
- Securing of old Mining Facilities at Inden-Lucherberg, Germany. In-site exploration and securing of old mining legacies from old underground lignite mining by means of pressure soundings, small and large diameter borings, camera observations and securing by cement injections; tendering, contract award, coordination and supervision of the works, review of invoicing; elaboration of a final report by IHS for the RWE Power AG.
2007 to 2008.
- INTERREG IIIB Project MINEWATER. Study of the potentials of closed mines regarding a geothermal utilization of the mine water. Planning, supervision and evaluation of a cross-border pumping-test. Exploration of the local thermal, hydraulic and hydrochemical conditions; attendance in international meetings. Performed by IHS for Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Würselen.
2006 to 2008.
- New Geotechnical Model for the Assessment of Hazard Zones from Old Mining legacies, Germany. Scientific investigations regarding post mining hazard zones in the Aachen mining area. The result of these investigations performed during a PhD-thesis was a new model providing for a significant reduction of areas with building restrictions.
2003 to 2007.